In order for the nation to be transformed, the fire must spread. Outreach is important for this very reason. This is why we have established an English Village, biblical training and outreach center in Myokokogen. Myokokogen (meaning “strange height”) is a small ski resort village in the mountains of Niigata prefecture. It’s main mountain Myoko Mountain (“Strange Mountain”) has three peaks, which looks strange and beautiful from the valley below. We pray this village will become so saturated with the gospel that it becomes a “strange height” indeed.
Niigata is one of the least reached areas for the gospel in the whole nation of Japan. We aim to change that through the implementation of local outreach programs, the establishment of a church, Jesus cafe, traveler’s hostel and much more. Through our facilities we hope to leave a mark and create stability for many generations to come, and create a strong relationships with their Creator, as well as to become a sending base for other areas of Japan.